Monday, January 17, 2022

Boring blog entry #1

So this is going to be a simple post about today, since I have nothing better to do. 
Today I had a nice talk with a friend over Instagram and I really like her, she is pretty and so so nice. <3 
I gave her some advice and then I had to cut the conversation short because my parents decided to take me with them on a short notice. So I had to come along to an appointment, however I did get to grab cherry coke zero and I guess that makes it alright. 
I had planned on sleeping earlier last night, at 8 PM or so, I actually dozed off too early while watching Kurtis Conner's newest video about billionaires being dumb and annoying (agreed to a certain extent) and my mom woke me up luckily. So I put back my laptop in my half-asleep state and went back to bed. 
I do vaguely remember waking up every-now-and-then and falling back asleep, one time I check and it was 8 AM. I was like "wow I did it" but then I fell back asleep. ._. I woke up at 12 PM properly. 
So I am planning on sleeping early today too, though I will need to work out a bit, since I don't wanna become skinny-fat.
Right, I had a dream during that awfully long sleep.
I dreamed of taking a walk with an old high school friend, his name is Kevin. I don't remember what we talked about but I think I was giving him advice. I always do that, give people advice. I love helping people out, reassuring them and being honest. I just want to help and I do that best by lending a hand, or an ear. Lana's Instagram account was open today! I followed her, finally!!! 💕
Anyway, I guess I should set some goals for this week, no?
Alright here goes:

Goals for this week:

- lose at least 2 pounds
- workout for at least 1 hour everyday
- drink up to 2 liters a day
- read books at least 30 minutes
- take care of my skin, yes it broke out AGAIN
- go to sleep before 10 PM
- wake up between 7-8 AM

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