Friday, January 21, 2022

A deity heard my wishes?


I was ready to give up on a "white Christmas" aka an actual winter with snow!

But today it snowed a whole lot, at least 3 CM of snow, not much but compared to last year an improvement I'd say. And if you think about it, global warming and living in a metropolis.. having snow is always a delight for me.

So let me tell you a little something. You might think "What is there to tell, it's just snow?"

Well, actually, you are right. It's natural for snow to fall in January. But it can't be a coincidence!! 

Long story short: I was really sad about winter being a disaster once again, so naturally I listened to some Christmas tunes, specifically "Let it snow" by Frank Sinatra. An amazingly cozy and uplifting love song! I sang along because I am not a psychopath and enjoy music. After a while of listening to it on repeat, I then went to the window, when I looked outside... Guess what happened??? It snowed!!! 

It's like God or some deity heard my wishes and thought it was fair enough and let it snow! And today it snowed again, though the snow is slowly melting, 2 °C is only that cold and the sky is clear.

Still, it's so strange because I was convinced winter was already over but then the streets were coated in white, amazing. I was already embracing spring to come...

This was all I had to say, quite frankly I have a hunch the snow will be gone by tomorrow, which makes me melancholy again. But I got to be grateful for what I get, no?

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