Thursday, January 20, 2022


Tonight, or more like this early morning (1 AM! LOL) my bestie and I decided to lose 1 KG in two days! We each have a different starting weight, she is lighter than me and we also have different ultimate goal weights, mine is 37 KG! I am 157 CM so it's only natural I derive my ideal weight by subtracting 120 from my height.

          157 CM - 120 = 37 KG

Makes sense, no? To be frank, I chose this low of a weight because my body consists mostly of fat tissue and I barely have any muscle(aside from calves and thighs (︶^︶)), so I am obviously gonna have to be lighter to look skinny enough.

Luckily we both have a scale, so no problems will arise and change will be so much easier to spot. 

1 KG? That is nothing but that is not the point. Always start out slow, consistency is the key. Though I wish I could lose weight dramatically, however that brings its own problems with it. Loose skin, fluncuating weight, stress wrinkles and breakouts because of malnutrition. I finall got it through my cemet skull. Haha

I am so glad blogger allows me to talk about my most inner thoughts without fearing someone will censor, "suspend" or reprimand me for it. 

How else are we supposed to get better if we can't express bad thoughts, too? 

So to spare people and to give myself an outlet I chose to make this website! I am so proud of myself for committing to it, I can't help but wonder if I would be off worse if I never made this blog to begin with. 

I feel a manic phase coming, spring is soon arriving, I am going to lose the 1 KG in no time and I can finally start growing as a person and shrinking as a body. Ha, get it? 

Well I am not sure if I can call it a "manic phase" because that is a medical term for people with Borderline Personality Disorder and I don't know if I have it, I have never done a diagnosis. So I can't be sure.

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